Monday, October 3, 2011


Hey guys! I can't believe that I've almost finished my second transfer already. I still feel like a greenie! We will be getting a phone call in 6 days to find out about the transfers. I really hope I get to stay in my area for one more transfer. I am really starting to feel comfortable here. I love our ward, especially our ward mission leader. But, we'll see.

Well as you know, last week was a bit of a tougher week. However because of what happened with that, I was able to have one of the most powerful personal experiences I have ever had in my life. I would like to share it with you.

The night that I returned to my house, I literally just felt so low. I didn't know what to do. I felt like this situation was impossible to be fixed. At this point, I decided that there was no way this situation was going to be fixed without the help of Heavenly Father. I decided to get on my knees and propose a plan to God. I have never prayed with so much faith in my life. I just knew that God would answer. I can promise you that this experience is real. I told God that I was going to open my scriptures to a chapter and I asked that He would guide me to an answer on that page. Well, I have never seen God answer a prayer so personally and directly as I did because of this. I closed my eyes, and opened my scriptures. When I looked to see where I was, I was a bit disappointed at first to see that I was in the topical guide, not even a chapter in the scriptures. But then I saw a word and it stood out to me like it was just glowing. PATIENCE. That was the answer that God gave me to solve this situation. After this experience, I promised that I would do all that I could to study out this topic and apply it as best as possible.

After about 3 days, the situation was still the same. I wasn't sure what else to do. But, God always fulfills his promises. That night at about 1:30 I was woken up to the best thing I've heard in a long time. Elder Christensen wanted to apologize to me. It was just incredible to me. God does listen to our prayers. He does care what we are going through and he WILL help.

As for investigators this week, we have an AWESOME one who's name is (Lee Dong Sun) but he likes to just be called Sun from Americans. He is 23 years old. We met him on the streets about 2 months ago and ran into him again like 4 times since. He always told us that he wanted to meet but was just too busy. One day after running into him, he told us that he would come to church on Sunday. Well, he came and we were able to meet with him after. We met again on Wednesday, which led to him coming to church again this last Sunday! On Sunday, he accepted a baptismal commitment to be baptized on 10/15/2011! I am thrilled about it. He doesn't have a whole lot of religious background, so the progression is slower, but he is so sincere about it. We teach him half in English and half in Korean. He is an awesome guy. In another email I attached a photo of him and I together. :)

I am so excited to watch General conference this coming Saturday and Sunday. I don't think i have ever looked forward to it this much. I am hoping Elder Holland has a good one :)

On Wednesday this last week I passed off lesson 3, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I only have lesson 4 left, the commandments then I just have to do everything with the Zone Leaders and APs. It is definitely a lot of work, but a good way to keep myself progressing in the language. I feel like I am improving in the language lately. I can follow simple conversations and contacts now. Once it gets to a tough topic or someone who speaks fast, I'm totally lost still haha.

On Saturday morning I was able to finish the best book ever, the Book of Mormon of course! Over these last few months my appreciation for the Book Of Mormon has grown so much. It is something that I used to take for granted. If you read this months ensign, it talks a lot about how sacred the book is and to never take it lightly. It's truly God's word and I will forever be grateful for it!

I love you all so much. I am so grateful to be serving a mission. There is no better place for me to be. I love this work and I love our Savior. Have a great week everyone!

Elder Messick


  1. This post made me cry. I have been praying for help for Scott too, and the word that kept coming to me, and which I wrote in a letter to him, was also, PATIENCE! I loved reading this experience!

  2. We loved this email! What a neat experience to find your answer in the scriptures. I've always been told that if you want to speak to God, pray! If you want God to speak to you, open the scriptures! Love you bud.
