Sunday, October 9, 2011


Hey!! Another transfer has come. It's crazy how fast time is going. We will be getting a transfer call tonight to find out what is going. Chances are Elder Christensen will be transfered since he has been in his area for 4 transfers now.

We were able to watch General Conference on Saturday and Sunday this week! I don't think I have ever looked forward to conference that much before. It was really great. My two favorite talks were President Uchtdorf and Elder Holland's in priesthood session. For the sunday morning session, there were some technical problems so we had to watch the first half in Korean! I wasn't able to really get any key points out of them, but I understood the theme and topics beind discussed, so basically I'll definitely have to read those ones. Haha.

Our investigator with a baptismal date, 이동선, Sun, is doing so well. He came to 8 hours of conference!! Pretty awesome huh! We were able to take him to see the temple in between one of the sessions and he thought it was so beautiful, of course. :) As we were walking away, he kept looking back and smiling. He says that he is praying and reading his sciptures every day, but still isn't sure if it's true, but he is definitely making progress. He used to be this shy, awkward guys but he has just opened up so much to us. He really is just the most sincere guy. He still plans to be baptized but the date is now the 16th. Keep praying for him!

Our recent convert Choi Sung Taek has had a hard week. His brother passed away unexpectedly. Because of this, we wasn't able to come to conference or see the temple. I hope that this ddoesn't bring him down, but rather causes him to be lifted up and trust in the plan of salvation and temple work even more. Please pray for him.

On Friday night, we got to go bowling with Sun! I included a picture for you :)

Sorry I don't have a whole lot to update you on. Just know that I am safe here and am learning and growing each and every day. I have never put so much trust and reliance on the Lord in my life. But as I do, my testimony of Him becomes firmer and firmer. I know He is there and that He cares. I love you guys so much. Have an awesome week!

Elder Messick