Monday, June 11, 2012

[ HEY! ]

Hey family! How is everything going with you guys. I have been pretty worried this last week with all the health things I have been hearing about. Mom and her heart surgery, Kenzie as well as her dad. It is so weird to be over on the other side of the world hearing about these things, but I know that God has His hand in all things and that it will all be ok. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.

My week went really well. we were able to meet with really three of our main investigators right now. Woo Eun Bean, Kim So Hee and Oh Say Sung. Things are going well with them, especially Woo Eun Bean or Brinley (I picked the American name haha). Anyways, this last week she was able to get the job she has been trying to get with an airline service and she is really happy about that. Also, this week we have taught her more about Christ and what He has done for us (since her religious background is small). And we also talked about the Plan of Salvation, but we haven't finished it quite yet. She is really a smart girl so it is easy to teach and she is really accepting of everything we teach her. In fact, I got a text from her the other day saying "thanks for helping me with English and teaching me about God." It really meant a lot to me and I can see that we are making an impact in her life.

For p-day today we have a big zone VS zone soccer game and it should be really fun. My buddy Elder Jones and I set it up. I hope we win! Haha.

OH! So yesterday I didn't get to go to church in my own ward. I had to go out to the countryside again because that little branch is just on FIRE! They had 4 more baptisms yesterday so I had to go out with one of our ZL for Baptismal interviews. It all started from one person who referred their friend and then those people keep referring people and it's just a big chain. How cool is that!? But anyways, there was HUGE news that went down in my ward. We got a new bishop! Our bishop had been bishop for over 8 years and it was time for a change. I am really happy about it and I think it will be sooo good for this area. If only I was able to experience it longer...

Transfer calls are a week from today and I think I will be moving. I am so sad because I love this area so much, especially the people. The investigators, the members, my comp. just everyone here is so great. But hey there are great people everywhere in Korea ^^

Well, I'm not sure what else to inform you on sorry! I love you guys and hope you have a great week. STAY HEALTHY PLEASE!!! I will continue to pray for you all. I love being a missionary. It is such a privilege and a blessing to be in His service for 2 years. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world. I have grown in so many ways, but am still so insufficient in every other way. I hope to continue to learn and improve. Have a great week.

I love you all!
-- Elder Messick

[ Elder Clearwater standing in the dumping rain ] 

[ A funny sign I saw ]

1 comment:

  1. Love the funny window sign! They even spell funny there!
